Without objective evidence of your patient's decline, you are risking claims denials and your compliance record. HHH MAC
- Type (ache, throb, sharp)
- Intensity (level 0-10)
- Location (upper, lower)
- Frequency (hourly, daily)
- Medication usage (dosage, frequency)
- Occurrences of incontinence
- Dress (assisted, unassisted)
- Bathe (assisted, unassisted)
- Ambulation ability (assisted, unassisted)
- Ambulation distance (feet, steps)
- Upper arm measurement (inches, centimeters)
- Abdominal girth (inches, centimeters)
- Respiratory rate (increased, decreased)
- Oxygen flow rate (liters)
- Hyper/hypotension
- Radial/apical pulse (tachycardic, bradycardiac, regular, irregular)
- Edema (level 1-4, pitting, non-pitting)
- Turgor (slow, normal)
- Amount (cups, liters, ounces, teaspoons, mgs, ml, cc)
- Frequency.
General quantifiable values to keep in mind are size, timeframe, and frequency, CGS suggests. Other values may include head elevation and speech pattern.Note: See the entire documentation tool, which also addresses admission requirements, physician services, and more, at www.cgsmedicare.com/hhh/education/materials/pdf/Hospice%20Documentation%20Tool_H-021-01_07-2011.pdf.