Eli's Hospice Insider

Hospice News:

Hospice Medical Director Guilty Of Kickbacks

A hospice medical director has been found guilty of taking kickbacks in a Medicare fraud scheme. Home Care Hospice Inc. in Philadelphia paid physician medical director Eugene Goldman nearly $230,000 over four years for referring patients, but disguised the payments as being for legitimate medical director services, the Department of Justice says in a release. Goldman was captured on tape receiving kickbacks for patient referrals, the DOJ says.

In addition to probable prison time and restitution, the conviction will result in the mandatory exclusion of Dr. Goldman from participation in any federal health care program, the Justice Department notes.

HCH owner Matthew Kolodesh was charged with Medicare fraud in 2011, HCH hospice director Alex Pugman also has been indicted, and Pugman’s wife, Svetlana Ganetsky, has pled guilty to obstruction in the case.

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