Eli's Hospice Insider


New G-Codes For RNs, LPNs Don't Necessarily Affect These Old Nursing G-Codes

Plus: Unlike ICD-10, you can use old and new G-Codes on same claim.

You may be saying goodbye to G0154, but you won’t have to say goodbye to G0162, G0163, or G0164 come Jan. 1.

Hospices and vendors have been asking about how the new G0299 (RN) and G0300 (LPN) G-codes affect reporting of other nursing HCPCS codes G0162 (RN management and evaluation), G0163 (RN or LPN observation and assessment), and G0164 (RN or LPN training/education). “The short answer to that is that there is no effect,” Wil Gehne with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said in the Nov. 4 Open Door Forum for hospice and home care providers. Agencies “should continue to report those three codes in the same way that they have previously,” Gehne advised in the forum.

Hospices affiliated with home health agencies were glad to receive the clarification that agencies can use both the old G0154 and the new G0299 and G0300 codes on the same claim. Report G0154 for visits provided through Dec. 31, and the applicable new codes for visits provided Jan. 1 or later, Gehne instructed in forum.

Note: Oct. 16 Change Request 9360 introducing the new G-codes is at www.cms.gov/RegulationsandGuidance/Guidance/Transmittals/Downloads/R3378CP.pdf and the accompanying MLN Matters article is at www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/MM9369.pdf.

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