Home Health ICD-9/ICD-10 Alert

Coding Quiz:


Use your coding expertise to solve these movie riddles. Find the missing term and code it.

1. This famous book by Robin Cook had people hanging from the ceiling with strings and was made into a movie. "_________."

2. Robin Williams had this problem in "Mrs. Doubtfire." _____________

3. The guys Snow White hung out with had _____________.

4. In the movie "Weekend at Bernie's," Bernie was ______________.

5. "The ___________________of Notre Dame."

6. Mr. Spock's most distinguishable feature are his ______________.

7. In "Saving Private Ryan," Tom Hanks' injuries and death are a result of ___________or ______________.

8. In "Titanic," Jack succumbs to ________ and finally _________________.

9. Farrah Fawcett, in the movie "The Burning Bed," killed her abusive husband this way. _________________

10. Brad Pitt starred in "Legends of the ___________."

11. What Bruce Willis was trying to prevent in "Die Hard 2." __________________

12. "Lady and the _____________."

13. Ben Stiller had this problem in "Meet the Fockers." _______________


1. "Coma" (780.01)
2. Gender identity disorder (302.85)
3. Dwarfism (259.4)
4. Found Dead (798.9)
5. "Hunchback" (737.9)
6. Pointed ears (744.29)
7. Injury due to war operations (E995) or injury due to war operations by bullets and fragments (E991.2)
8. Hypothermia (991.6) and finally submersion or drowning in water transportation accident (E832.x)
9. Burning bedclothes (E898.0)
10. "Fall" (E888.9)
11.Terrorism involving destruction of aircraft (E979.1)
12. "Tramp" (V60.0)
13. Problems with aged parents or in-laws (V61.3).

This coding quiz was contributed by Lynn Yetman, RN, MA, HCS-D, COS-C, LNC with Reingruber & Company, St. Petersburg, Florida

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