You might want to beef up your OASIS submission procedures, since intermediaries will be checking that you have OASIS data submitted for claims you file. When OASIS C started in January 2010, "submission of the OASIS became a condition of payment," home health MAC NHIC explains on its website. "CMS requires medical reviewers to ensure the OASIS has been submitted and accepted to the state repository." Missing OASIS data will result in denied claims. "Upon review, NHIC, Corp is finding claims where the OASIS is not present in the state repository," the MAC cautions. "Providers must ensure they are meeting this requirement." And it won't be good enough to submit OASIS data after the fact. "If a provider receives a denial because the OASIS was not found, they must submit evidence of submission and acceptance of the OASIS prior to submission of the claim with their appeal," NHIC says.