Try these 2 simple strategies in lieu of counting calories. Between the stress of making sure patients always get the care they need and the temptation to eat drive-through food on the run, visiting staff can all too easily consume too much food. In fact, many people become overweight by adding a few pounds a year until a decade down the road, they have a disheartening amount of pounds to lose. Yet people who lose weight should do so lowly, says dietitian First steps: Eat regularly to avoid slowing down your metabolism, advises Bedwell. Also, "people who are overly hungry when they do eat tend to overeat or make poor choices, leading to more eight gain." Also think of your plate as having four sections, advises Bedwell. "One fourth of it should have a lean meat, one fourth some sort of starch (preferably a complex carbohydrate), and the rest egetables and fruits." Yet "most of the time, people's plates are filled with one half meat and one half starch with a little garnish of vegetables," she notes. Remember this formula: To get enough fiber, people should eat natural sources such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, advises Bedwell. "You should shoot for 25 to 35 grams of fiber [a day] but get there slowly in rder to avoid GI distress from the additional fiber."