Home Health & Hospice Week


Specialty Codes Affected By P&O Restriction

If you don't qualify for one of these specialty codes, you'll no longer be able to bill for prosthetics and orthotics after July 5:
  • Medical Supply Company With Orthotics Personnel (Specialty Code 51);
  • Medical Supply Company With Prosthetics Personnel (Specialty Code 52);
  • Medical Supply Company With Orthotics and Prosthetics Personnel (Specialty Code 53);
  • Orthotics Personnel (Specialty Code 55);
  • Prosthetics Personnel (Specialty Code 56);
  • Orthotics Personnel, Prosthetics Person-nel, and Pedorthists (Specialty Code 57);
  • Physical Therapist (Specialty Code 65);
  • Occupational Therapist (Specialty Code 67); and
  • All physician specialty codes listed in Manual 100.4, Chapter 26, Section 10.8.2.