Reader Question:
Don't Let Ignorance Cost You Therapy Cap Dollars
Published on Thu May 10, 2012
Use HIQA to find out where your non-homebound patients stand on their caps. Question: Where do I find information about the amount of dollars that my patient has accrued toward the therapy cap? Answer: All providers and contractors may access the accrued amount of therapy services from the ELGA screen inquiries into CWF. Providers/suppliers may access the remaining therapy services limitation dollar amount through the 270/271 eligibility inquiry and response transaction. Providers who bill to Medicare Part A contractors or fiscal intermediaries will find the amount a beneficiary has accrued toward the financial limitations on the HIQA. Private practices billing to Medicare Part B contractors or carriers may, in addition, have access to the accrued amount of therapy services from the ELGB screen inquiries into CWF. Suppliers and providers who do not have access to these inquiries may call the contractor to obtain the amount accrued. Question: What is the [...]