Home Health & Hospice Week


OASIS-E1 Manual Is Out

It’s time to figure out COVID vaccination reporting.

Five months after Medicare issued the draft of the upcoming OASIS update, the updated Guidance Manual has followed.

“The draft Guidance Manual for the OASIS-E1 version of the OASIS data set, effective January 1, 2025, is available,” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says in a message to providers.

Recap: OASIS-E1 contains some big changes, such as collecting information on patients’ COVID-19 vaccination status and requiring OASIS for all patients regardless of payer, with a few narrow exceptions. (See more OASIS-E1 details in HHHW by AAPC, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4.)

Note: The 247-page manual is at www.cms.gov/files/document/draft-oasis-e1-manual-04-28-2024.pdf.

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