Home Health & Hospice Week


New SPADEs Should Ease OASIS Pain Concerns

Items address sleep, therapy, and day-to-day activities.

These three new OASIS items on pain will take over from M1242:

  • J0510 — Pain Effect on Sleep (Ask patient: “Over the past 5 days, how much of the time has pain made it hard for you to sleep at night?”)
  • J0520 — Pain Interference with Therapy Activities (Ask patient: “Over the past 5 days, how often have you limited your participation in rehabilitation therapy sessions due to pain?”)
  • J0530 — Pain interference with Day-to-Day Activities (Ask patient: “Over the past 5 days, how often have you limited your day-to-day activities (excluding rehabilitation therapy sessions) due to pain?”)

Each of the items includes these responses: 0 (Does not apply), 1 (Rarely or not at all), 2 (Occasionally), 3 (Frequently), 4 (Almost constantly), 9 (Unable to answer).

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