Even though Recovery Audit Contractors are Medicare bounty hunters, a new appeals policy should keep them from getting overly aggressive with provider payments, the Government Accountability Office recently told Congress In the RAC demonstration project, RACs got paid on a contingency fee basis even if their recoupments were later repealed, the GAO said in a July 15 hearing before the subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Now RACs' fees are taken back if a provider's appeal is successful at any level, the agency noted in prepared testimony. Resource: And some Medicare contractors are trying to make it easier to keep up with RAC information. Medicare Administrative Contractor National Government Services has added a RAC section to its website, it says. The site goes over information such as how to know when a RAC payment determination has been issued and what to do when you receive a RAC demand letter. The section is under the "Review Process" option at www.ngsmedicare.com.