Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Cap Procrastination Could Cost You

If you’ve never accessed your own PS&R data to calculate your self-reported hospice cap, you’d better get moving.

“Providers will be required to obtain their own PS&R data in order to complete the Self-Determined Hospice Cap report,” says HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor Palmetto GBA in a message to providers. “We will not be furnishing this data to all providers as done in prior years. If you do not have access to the EIDM system, you should register now.”

And remember, the earlier you download your Provider Statistical & Review report data, the better it could be if you expect a cap overage. That’s because securing an earlier beneficiary count and payment amount can minimize the amount you must pay on or before Feb. 28 — the day the cap report is due.

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