A new lawsuit from a North Carolina home health agency takes aim at the Medicare appeals backlog.
“As a result of increasing audit activity by HHS contractors, providers have experienced extraordinary delays in the appeals process, particularly at the [Administrative Law Judge] level, which has effectively barred providers from challenging payment denials in a timely and efficient manner,” protests a complaint filed by Five Points Healthcare of NC LLC d/b/a Native Angels Home Health Agency Inc. filed on May 23.
“Not only has the extraordinary delay stymied timely appeals, it also violates the statute, which requires the ALJ to hold a hearing within 90 days of an appeal being filed,” continues the complaint from the Pembroke-based HHA. “Instead, providers such as Native Angels often wait up to 5 years to have their claims heard by an ALJ. In many instances, the ALJ will deny the provider a hearing based on a technicality or uphold the prior ruling without a hearing, which further deprives the provider of its due process rights.”
The suit outlines an appeal of a 2014 claim reviewed by Zone Program Integrity Contractor AdvanceMed. Problems in the appeal case included the HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor denying an appeal due to the ZPIC submitting documentation late. “On May 14, 2020, the ALJ, after a more than 4-year delay, issued a dismissal order of Plaintiff ’s request for reconsideration without conducting a substantive hearing on the merits of the action,” the complaint says.
The agency asks for “damages in the amount of at least $3,691.30” — about twice the original claim amount — as well as “costs … and attorneys’ fees.”