Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

You Can Put Your UTN Here Under Pre-Claim Review

Heed these new PCR details.

With the pre-claim review demonstration coming at lightning speed, you need to keep up with the operational details.

Example #1: In a special Open Door Forum on PCR June 14, home health agencies asked where they are supposed to put the Unique Tracking Number that will show the claim submitted has a preclaim request associated with it. For electronic claims, “the UTN will follow the Treatment Authorization Code, which will remain in positions 1 through 18” of loop 2300 REF02 (REF01=G1), HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor Palmetto GBA says in a new job aid. “In Positions 19 through 32 … Key the UTN,” the MAC instructs.

Tip: “Do not use a space between the 18-digit alpha-numeric Treatment Authorization Code and the UTN,” Palmetto stresses.

For Direct Data Entry, on page 5, after entering the 18-digit Treatment Authorization Code in the TREAT. AUTH CODE field, “the cursor will move to the next available field, where the UTN shall be entered,” Palmetto says. For UB-04 claim forms, key the UTN “in Positions 19 through 32 of field locator 63,” Palmetto concludes.

Example #2: If you are an HHA in Illinois that submits to MAC CGS, “please send an email to CGS at J15_HHH_EDUCATION@cgsadmin.com and provide us with your contact information (contact name, provider name/number, telephone number and email address),’ the MAC instructs. “Provider Outreach and Education staff will then contact you to ensure you are aware of upcoming training events.”

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