Wondering how your lengths of stay for non-cancer patients stack up to your peers'? You can get an idea from Palmetto's latest noncancer LOS stats, which cover 16 states in the last half of 2009. The average LOS across 11 non-cancer categories in all 16 states was 134 days, Palmetto calculates. The region with the highest average LOS was the Southwest with 151 days; the lowest was the Midwest with 117 days. The Southwest region includes Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The Midwest region includes Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. The category with the highest average LOS was "Alzheimer" with 192 days. The lowest-LOS category was "Renal" with 40 days. For links to the LOS stats and a free PDF copy of Palmetto's slides, e-mail editor Rebecca Johnson at rebeccaj@eliresearch.com with "NCLOS Rates" in the subject line.