Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Warn Patients Of These COVID Scams

As COVID-19 cases once again surge, so do fraud scams related to the disease. Warn your patients before they pay the price.

“Fraudsters are using telemarketing calls, text messages, social media platforms, and door-to-door visits to perpetrate COVID-19-related scams,” the HHS Office of Inspector General says in a Dec. 4 bulletin. Scammers are soliciting personal, medical, or financial information from beneficiaries by pretending to be contact tracers and offering COVID-19 tests and supplies, the OIG warns.

New scams surrounding forthcoming vaccination are proliferating. “You will not be asked for money to enhance your ranking for vaccine eligibility,” the OIG stresses. “Government and state officials will not call you to obtain personal information in order to receive the vaccine, and you will not be solicited door-to-door to receive the vaccine,” the agency clarifies.

Report COVID-19 health care fraud at https://oig.hhs.gov/fraud/report-fraud/ or by calling 1-800-447-8477.

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