An OASIS data glitch isn’t fixable right now, however.
Don’t miss your chance to get your VBP IPR data corrected, if you need to.
To dispute the calculation of the performance scores in the Preliminary Interim Performance Report under the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing model, a home health agency must submit a recalculation request within 15 calendar days after publication of the Preliminary IPR, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services stresses in the latest VBP newsletter issued on Oct. 26.
“For the October 2023 IPR, HHAs must submit a recalculation request by November 10, 2023,” CMS says. Instructions for making the request are in the “Model Reports” section at
However, don’t bother trying to fix your OASIS-based measure results for the Total Normalized Composite (TNC) Change in Mobility and TNC Change in Self-Care measures for the October 2023 IPRs.
“Due to unforeseen circumstances, CMS has decided to hold constant” those results, CMS says in the newsletter. “As a result, HHAs will see the same performance measure values in the October 2023 IPRs that were reported on the July 2023 IPRs for these two (2) OASIS-based measures. The performance periods for the remaining three (3) OASIS-based measures, claims-based measures, and HHCAHPS Survey-based measures remain as planned,” the agency indicates.
Next time: “CMS anticipates returning to a normal reporting schedule for the January 2024 IPRs,” the agency assures.