Home health agencies can take action on those claims derailed by a recent Notice of Admission glitch. The problem: “Some home health NOAs and claims were incorrectly hitting reason codes U5210 and U5220,” HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor National Government Services explains on its website. “These reason codes state there is no Medicare entitlement for the dates of service when the beneficiary only has Part B eligibility for the dates of service submitted.” (See more details in HHHW by AAPC, Vol. XXXII, No. 7.) The solution: “This issue has been resolved as of 3/6/2023. Providers may resubmit any NOAs and claims that incorrectly rejected for U5210/U5220,” NGS says in the March 23 post to its site. “If this issue has caused untimely submission of the NOA, providers may request a late NOA exception on the corresponding claim(s) by appending modifier KX to the HIPPS code on the 0023 revenue line and indicate the following in the Remarks field: ‘Late NOA due to U5210/U5220 issue,’” the MAC instructs.