Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Revised Quality Measure Procedures Take Shape As New QM Contractor Ramps Up

Put deadlines for QM book webinar and comments, plus PQM committee nominations, on your calendar.

Following Medicare’s announcement that the National Quality Forum was out and Battelle was in as its new “contracted consensus-based entity (CBE)” for quality measures, providers are getting more chances to become involved.

For example: Battelle has posted a new Guidebook of Policies and Procedures for Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) and Measure Set Review (MSR) and is soliciting comments on it. A link to the 32-page book and an electronic form for commenting is at https://p4qm.org/guidebook/PRMR-MSR/Guidebook-of-Policies-and-Procedures-for-PRMR-and-MSR.

The book “provides an overview of the PRMR (previously conducted via the Measure Applications Partnership) and MSR policies and procedures, associated timelines, measure selection and removal criteria, a summary of the committee compositions, and how committees will be engaged,” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services explains in a message to providers.

CMS and Battelle will host a July 10 informational session about the book and will accept comments on it until July 21. Registration for the Zoom webinar is at www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_RRgCQ_kQQfCC­8ZDYo9O87A.

Providers can also submit nominations for “select [Partnership for Quality Measurement] committees supporting Endorsement & Maintenance (E&M), Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review (PRMR), and Measure Set Review (MSR)” through July 30, Battelle says in a separate message. “Committee members will have the opportunity to provide feedback on quality measures based on their lived experiences and areas of expertise,” it explains.

See more details and submit nominations at https://p4qm.org/articles/call-for-noms-2023.

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