Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Refer SNFs To New Community Care Brochure

If you'd like to encourage your referring skilled nursing facilities to consider discharge to the community for more patients, you might want to direct them to a new resource from CMS.

The agency has developed a brochure to help nursing home residents understand the process of returning to the community, said CMS's Janet Miller in last month's SNF/LTC Open Door Forum.

The brochure, "Your Right to Get Infor-mation About Returning to the Community," says "the nursing home staff is required to ask you questions about your care. One question they will ask is, 'Do you want to talk to someone about the possibility of returning to the community?' Saying 'yes' tells the staff you want more information. It doesn't mean you have to leave the nursing home. The staff will regularly ask this question, since your needs and the services available in the community may change over time."

The brochure is online at http://www.medicare.gov/Publications/Pubs/pdf/11477.pdf. Providers can obtain the brochure at productordering.cms.hhs. gov. Providers can customize the brochure with the local contact agency information, the facility's social worker/discharge planner, and the local ombudsman.

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