You know that compliance program guidance the HHS Office of Inspector General issued for home health agencies way back in 1998 and for hospices in 1999? It’s about to get a major revamp. The OIG “plans to improve and update existing CPGs and to deliver new CPGs specific to segments of the health care industry or entities involved in the health care industry that have emerged in recent years,” the watchdog agency says on its website. Recap: “OIG developed CPGs as voluntary, nonbinding guidance documents to encourage the development and use of internal controls to monitor adherence to applicable statutes, regulations, and program requirements,” the agency notes in an April 25 Federal Register notice about the initiative. “CPGs have served as an important and valuable OIG resource for the health care compliance community and industry stakeholders over the last 25 years.” Some new features of the CPGs are that the OIG will publish them on its website rather than in the Federal Register; and the OIG will issue one “General CPG (GCPG) that applies to all individuals and entities involved in the health care industry” and multiple “industry-specific CPGs (ICPGs).” The notice is at