Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

OIG IDs Billions In Improperly Calculated PRF Payments

Postpayment review of Provider Relief Fund payments may tighten up following a new HHS Office of Inspector General report.

While the Department of Health and Human Services did a pretty good job in correctly disbursing PRF monies, it did not ensure that about $2.16 billion (5.5 percent) in automatic PRF payments were properly calculated as intended; did not prevent more than $247 million in payments (less than 1 percent) from being disbursed to ineligible providers, including not utilizing all readily available lists to identify these providers; and did not identify all ineligible providers and exclude them from receiving PRF payments, the OIG reports.

The HHS Health Resources and Services Administration agreed with the OIG’s recommendations to perform postpayment quality control reviews of selected providers and recoup any overpayments, the OIG says in the 42-page report at https://oig.hhs.gov/oas/reports/region2/22001025.pdf.

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