Watchdog agency will check hospital records against OASIS.
Get ready to endure scrutiny for something over which you may have little to no control.
The HHS Office of Inspector General has added “Accuracy of Falls Reporting in Home Health OASIS Assessments” to its Work Plan, with a report on the topic expected next year.
“In April 2022, [the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] will begin publicly reporting on the Care Compare website the percentage of patients in home health care who fell and endured major injuries for each home health agency,” the OIG notes in its listing.
“In this study, we will assess the accuracy of HHAs’ reporting of falls in OASIS. Specifically, we will use Medicare claims to identify hospitalizations due to falls with major injuries among Medicare beneficiaries in home health care. We will then assess the extent to which those falls were reported in OASIS assessments,” the OIG says.
“We will describe the characteristics of beneficiaries who did not have their falls reported,” the OIG adds. “Finally, we will describe the characteristics of HHAs that have particularly low reporting rates.”
The Work Plan entry is at