Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Nurse Fired For Comments Posted To Facebook

Let your employees know their social media posts can count against them at work. Pro-viders can’t afford to let their workers’ errors reflect badly on them.

Case in point: UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center in Rio Rancho, N.M. fired a nurse for her posts on Facebook. Nurse Amanda Francis wrote, “Soooooo sleepy here in the ICU. Will someone please code and give me something exciting to do? #isthatbad?” according to news station KOB. Another post from Francis’ Facebook page made crude comments about Native American women.

“Recent comments posted on a social media site by a former employee were totally inappropriate and not consistent with the values of UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center,” the hospital says in a statement. “As soon as we became aware of the offensive posts, we took immediate corrective action,” says the hospital, which goes on to distance itself from Francis’ expressed views

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