You have less than three months to get in your pre-2010 Medicare claims, or risk losing the money forever. Under the timely filing provision of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare providers must submit claims with dates of service from Oct. 1, 2008, through Dec. 31, 2009, by Dec. 31, 2010, regional home health intermediary Cahaba GBA says in its November provider newsletter. Tip: "We strongly recommend that pro-viders submit billing transactions well in advance of this deadline," Cahaba says in the Newsline. "RAPs, claims, and adjustments that have errors and are sent to the Return to Provider (RTP) file will receive a new receipt date when corrected (F9d). This new receipt date must also adhere to timely filing." Bottom line: "Simply because the claim was originally submitted timely doesn't guarantee it has satisfied the timely filing requirements," Cahaba says. For claims with dates of service after Jan. 1, 2010, you have a year to submit the claim. Re-member, home health agency and hospice claims will be subject to the one-year deadline based on the claim's "Through" date. Example: A claim submitted with a "From" date of 10/01/10, and a "Through" date of 10/31/10, must be received by 10/31/11 to meet timely filing, Cahaba explains. Also, hospice add-on bills are subject to the one-year filing deadline, but notices of election are not, Cahaba adds.