Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Medicare Will Get Serious About Requiring County Codes On HH Claims This Fall

Home health agencies that haven’t been reporting required county codes will soon have to do so — or pay the price.

Old way: Despite the fact that the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2018 required HHAs to report county codes as of 2019, “enforcement edits in Medicare systems returned claims to the provider when [county] value code 85 was absent only when a rural add-on payment adjustment applied to the claim,” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services notes in new Change Request 13543.

New way: Based partly on the HHS Office of Inspector General’s urging, “this CR creates an edit in the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) to require the presence of value code 85 and a Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) county code on all claims with Type of Bill 032x,” CMS says in the Change Request at www.cms.gov/files/document/ r12577cp.pdf. The change will affect claims processed on or after Oct. 1, according to the transmittal.

Plus: The CR also adds language about Notice of Admission exceptions to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 10 (HHA Billing).

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