Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

How HHS Issues Guidance May Change

There are a few days left to give federal officials your feedback on how they should issue guidance documents.

In the Aug. 20 Federal Register, the Department of Health and Human Services proposes to “issue regulations governing the agency’s release and maintenance of guidance documents. These regulations would help to ensure that the public receives appropriate notice of new guidance and that the Department’s guidance does not impose obligations on regulated parties that are not already reflected in duly enacted statutes or regulations lawfully promulgated under them.”

The proposed rule “is one component of the Depart­ment’s broader regulatory reform initiative,” HHS says. It “is designed to increase accountability, improve the fairness of guidance issued by the Department, guard against unlawful regulation through guidance, and safeguard the important principles underlying the United States administrative law system.”

Comments are due Sept. 16. The rule is at www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-08-20/pdf/2020-18208.pdf.

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