Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Hospices Wait On Cap Info

If you haven’t submitted your aggregate hospice cap calculation yet, you’re following at least one Medicare Administrative Contractor’s wishes. “The release of the CMS approved form to use in submitting the self-determined hospice cap is pending,” MAC Palmetto GBA notes on its website. “We suggest that hospices delay submitting the cap calculation until the approved form is issued.”

Unexpected: CMS told hospices they’d have to retrieve their own PS&R reports from the IACS or EIDM systems to calculate their caps. But Palmetto says “we are sending payment and beneficiary count information to each hospice.” Those should have gone out in February.

However, the “sending of PS&R data is just for this year,” the MAC cautions. So you should practice ordering your own PS&R reports for when you’re on your own next year.

Waiting: At press time, hospices were still waiting for CMS to issue its cap calculation form and for the IACS-to-EIDM transition to take place

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