Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

HHH MACs Reach Out To Home Health, Hospice Workers To 'See Something, Say Something' Regarding Potential Fraud On The Job

See Something, Say Something” isn’t just for Homeland Security anymore.

HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS is urging home health and hospice workers to adopt that mantra to combat fraud and abuse in the industry. “You must know how to protect your organization from engaging in abusive practices and violations of civil or criminal laws,” CGS instructs in a recent message to providers. “Home health & hospice care has long been recognized as vulnerable to fraud, waste, and abuse.”

In its three-page missive that is part of the Part A/B Home Health & Hospice Multi-MAC Collaboration Group, CGS includes a laundry list of fraud and abuse examples, including upcoding and failing to furnish physician-ordered visits for home health. For hospice, “improperly retaining hospice patients whose health is improving rather than declining” and “paying a bonus based on the volume of patients admitted” are two examples of violations it says should be reported.

For physicians and NPPs, “failure to act when the patient mentions home health care, when you did not order” is included among the no-go’s.

The message lists CMS and HHS Office of Inspector General fraud and abuse hotlines. See the document at https://cgsmedicare.com/pdf/j15/cope23005.pdf.

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