Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

GAO Urges Increased HCBS Oversight

Meanwhile, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should keep a tighter leash on Home and Community-Based Services programs during future emergencies. So says the Government Accountability Office in a recent report.

“To continue services during the pandemic and prevent the spread of COVID-19, [CMS] allowed states to make temporary changes like providing more home-delivered meals or giving providers hazard pay,” the GAO notes. “CMS relied on states to monitor how these changes affected beneficiaries and make any mid-course corrections — but provided little guidance on doing so.”

Instead, “we recommended that CMS evaluate lessons learned from COVID-19 and develop plans for monitoring during future public health emergencies,” the GAO says in the report at www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-104401. CMS agreed to take the GAO’s advice.

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