If you let a medical review records request slip past you, you may have a chance to somewhat simply redeem yourself.
“Responding to additional documentation/development requests (ADRs) is time sensitive,” emphasizes HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS. “If you receive an ADR from medical review and do not respond within the 45-day time limit, we may be able to process the late ADR response as an MR Reopening if requested within 120 days,” CGS tells HHAs in a new post on its website.
“This function was previously available to Part B users (submitted as a Redetermination). Now it is available to Part A and HHH users as a 56900 Reopening,” CGS explains.
More details are in the myCGS User Manual at https://cgsmedicare.com/mycgs/mycgs_user_manual_mr.html — consult the “Medical Review/MR/56900 Reopening” section.