Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

CMS Solicits IT Advice In Hospice Proposed Rule

If you have thoughts on how the Hospice Quality Reporting Program and technology should work together, CMS is all ears.

“In alignment with the Meaningful Measure 2.0, we are seeking feedback on our future plans to define digital quality measures for the HQRP,” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says in the 2022 hospice proposed rule published in the April 14 Federal Register. “We also are seeking feedback on the potential use of Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources (FHIR) for dQMs within the HQRP aligning where possible with other quality programs.”

Definition: “FHIR is an open source standards frame-work … that establishes a common language and process for all health information technology,” CMS explains.

CMS seeks specific feedback on six IT-related questions about quality measures going fully digital. Comments will be considered for future rulemaking on the topic. Comments on this, as well as other areas in the rule, are due June 7, CMS says in the regulation at www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2021-04-14/pdf/2021-07344.pdf.

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