• CMS is staying mum on the topic of DME competitive bidding, but that won't last forever. CMS didn't have any bidding update in the Aug. 25 Open Door Forum, which surprised caller Kimberly Rogers Bowers of Apria Healthcare, she said in the call. Because CMS is in the process of contracting with durable medical equipment suppliers for the bidding program that starts Jan. 1, the agency has no announcements scheduled, said CMS's Lor-rie Ballantine in the forum. "After the dust settles" and the contracting is complete, CMS "will have calls with contract suppliers and non-contract suppliers as we did in the first round," she said. Meanwhile, the industry is criticizing CMS's continued refusal to release bid winner information. The agency relayed the refusal in a letter to Reps. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) and Ralph Hall (R-Texas), after 136 House members requested the information, according to the American Associa-tion for Homecare. CMS said it wouldn't release the names of bid winners for a number of reasons, including an increased risk of beneficiary confusion, the fact that non-bid winners haven't yet been notified, and the threat to the procurement process. CMS plans to release the bid winner names by the end of this month, AAHomecare says.