Home health agencies in Connecticut, Florida, Indiana and Ohio: Heads up that UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage and Dual Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) will begin requiring prior authorization for all visits after the start of care (SOC) visit.
The change will take effect Oct. 1, UHC says in a July 1 message to providers. “For states and UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage and D-SNP not mentioned, current existing requirements and processes remain unchanged,” the insurer says. “Members with Delegated PCPs should follow the current process for authorizations. We are not making any changes to that process,” UHC adds.
More details, including how to request the authorization and exactly which types of plan members are affected, are in the notice at www.uhcprovider.com/en/resource-library/news/2022/ct-fl-in-oh-home-health-prior-auth-review.html.