Medicare disseminates vaccination specifics. The path to COVID-19 vaccination is paved with technical details, including some new ones from Medicare. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has posted documents explaining the developing coding structure for vaccinations, billing details, and more. For example: “Medicare payment rates for COVID-19 vaccine administration will be $28.39 to administer single-dose vaccines,” CMS explains on its COVID-19 vaccination payment webpage. “For a COVID-19 vaccine requiring a series of 2 or more doses, the initial dose(s) administration payment rate will be $16.94, and $28.39 for the administration of the final dose in the series.”
The vaccine itself is being distributed for free by the federal government, CMS adds. Another example: Up-to-date billing codes, payment allowances, and effective dates are at Access links to the array of COVID-19 resources being updated continually at