Be sure you have a reliable process in place for getting your electronic devices back from workers that have left your employment, or you may find yourself in Amedisys Inc.’s shoes.
The Baton Rouge, La.-based company an-nounced a HIPAA breach, because it identified 142 encrypted computers and laptops that it can’t locate, according to a release. “The devices at issue were originally assigned to Amedisys clinicians and other team members who left the company between 2011 and 2014, and represent approximately .3% of the total number of devices that were used at Amedisys during that time period,” the chain says. The devices may contain patients’ name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, insurance ID numbers, medical records and other personally identifiable data.
“Amedisys is notifying the U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services, state agencies, and approximately 6,909 individuals whose information may be involved,” it says. “Potentially impacted individuals are being offered identity theft protection services, including credit monitoring, to protect against any possible harm that could arise from the incident.”