If you’re a non-profit, you could secure funding to train your staff on COVID-19 as required under the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). In a June 24 Federal Register notice, the DOL Occupational Safety and Health Administration announces $10 million in grants is up for grabs under the “Susan Harwood Training Grant Program Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases.” That includes “COVID-19 grants for non-profit organizations to conduct training for employers and workers on infectious diseases, including COVID-19 safety and health hazards in the workplace,” the notice says. Another $10 million is available under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases, including the Coronavirus grants, OSHA says in a release. Applicants must develop training that focuses on four program emphasis areas, OSHA says: identifying and preventing workplace-related infectious diseases, including the coronavirus, in industries with high illness rates, those employing frontline workers or those serving susceptible populations; OSHA standards that address infectious diseases (including coronavirus); and workplace hazards identified in OSHA special emphasis programs or other priorities associated with infectious diseases (including coronavirus). Act fast: Grant applications are due July 26, the notice says. Applicants can apply for both types of grants at once, OSHA confirms. Links to more application details are at www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/national/06172021.