Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes:

Accrediting Body Fell Down On The Job, OIG Says

Accreditation, which gives home health agencies a virtual exemption from alternative sanctions, is under fire from the HHS Office of Inspector General.

In a recent review, the OIG found that the Community Health Accreditation Program failed to find numerous deficiencies, many related to human resources, when it surveyed The Community Hospice Inc. in Rensselaer, N.Y. “Community did not meet certain Federal and State requirements for criminal background checks, health assessments, professional licensing and experience, training, and performance evaluations,” the OIG says in its report summary. “Of the 100 workers in our random sample, Community could not document that 51 complied with 1 or more of these requirements.”

“CMS’s reliance on CHAP surveys could not ensure quality of care and that adequate protection was provided to Medicare beneficiaries,” the OIG says in the report at http://go.usa.gov/3v5n4

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