Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Notes

CMS's take on the new 12-month deadline for submitting Medicare claims will make the time limit even shorter for home health agencies.

Medicare will use a claim's "from" date to start the 12-month submission clock, it says in new instructions about the requirement that was included in the PPACA law.

"Maintaining the start-of-care or 'from' date for an episode of care as the beginning of the oneyear claim filing countdown will shorten the filing timeline for home health to 10 months in some cases," the National Association for Home Care & Hospice protests. "Because a home health claim may not be submitted prior to the end of an episode -- which could be 60 days -- two months will already have ticked down in instances of a full 60-day episode."

NAHC has urged CMS to count the 12 months from the end of the home health episode instead, the trade group says.

More information about the 12-month deadline for submitting claims is in a new MLN Matters article at www.cms.gov/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM6960.pdf.

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