Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Zone 3 ZPIC Start Date Set For April

Home care providers located in ZPIC Zone 3 can stop wondering who their Zone Program Integrity Contractor is. A protest over the bid for the ZPIC Zone 3 contract was finally resolved last fall, with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services naming Cahaba Safeguard Administrators as the ZPIC for Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. Cahaba's ZPIC contract start date is April 24, it says on its website at www.cahabasafeguard.com. Cahaba plans to work on these ZPIC activities, it says: investigations, law enforcement referrals, data analysis, medical review in support of investigations, and Medicare-Medicaid data matching activities and support. One ZPIC contract remains under protest, CMS notes in an updated MLN Matters article reviewing the contractors. In Zone 6 (Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut), TriCenturion Inc. and SafeGuard Services are protesting the award of the ZPIC [...]
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