A Medicare claims system glitch means you’ll be seeing a slew of duplicate remittance advices if NHIC is your HHH Medicare Admini-strative Contractor.
Problem: "Canceled claims with types of bill (TOBs) 328 or 338 were present on the remittance advice with a positive reimbursement amount instead of a negative amount," NHIC explains in a message to providers.
Solution: "The Part A Standard System Maintainer has recreated all home health remittances for the period of 1/8/13 - 2/11/13. These files are being recreated for all home health providers for all paid dates during this period." Providers receiving electronic RAs will get the recreated remittances on Sun. May 19 or Sun. May 26, depending on paid date. "We are delivering the recreated ERA files on a Sunday in order for them to be distinguishable from the daily production ERA files," NHIC says.
The recreated remittances will have the original paid dates and electronic funds transfer (EFT)/check numbers. Additionally, all claims generated for the original paid date are included on these recreated files.
Warning: "Please be aware that there could be issues for those providers with automated posting systems," NHIC cautions.