Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Technical Oversight Will Cut Off Your Billing

NOE filing is at risk, MAC warns.

Nearly half of home health and hospice FISS DDE users have not yet recertified their user access, which will spell bad reimbursement news after the Sept. 30 deadline.

“Failure to recertify by September 30, 2017 will result in the termination of FISS DDE/PPTN services,” warns HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS in a Sept. 12 message to providers. “Only 2,189 users out of 3,466 home health and hospice FISS DDE users have been recertified.”

“Take action now,” CGS urges. “Verify all User IDs, indicate if the User ID is active or inactive, and include an authorized signature, contact email, and phone number.”

Note: You have to use a different form to actually add or delete users, or update current users, CGS points out.

CGS issues a special warning for hospices. “Please be aware that failure to recertify your FISS DDE access will result in the termination of your DDE User ID. This may cause untimely filing of your hospice Notices of Election (NOEs) and an exception may not be granted,” the MAC stresses.

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