Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Tap These New MAC Tools For Hospice Billing Help

Looking for help with your hospice billing? HHH MAC NHIC has posted three new hospice-related job aids. The tools cover site of service codes, continuous home care, and transfers.

For example: "All nursing and aide hours should be included in the computation for CHC," NHIC says in its aid at www.medicarenhic.com/providers/pubs/J14HospiceContinuousHomeCare.pdf, which includes a time reporting chart for CHC untis. "If the aide hours exceed the nursing hours, the nursing time requirement would not be met, and therefore, CHC would not be the appropriate level of care. Instead, the routine level of care would need to be reported."

The site of service code aid is at www.medicarenhic.com/providers/pubs/J14HospiceSOSHCPCS.pdf and the transfer aid is at www.medicarenhic.com/providers/pubs/J14HospiceTransfers.pdf.

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