Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

States File Suit Over Union Dues Change

Attorneys General of five states have filed a lawsuit opposing the Trump administra­tion’s recently finalized rule that will bar states from collecting home health workers’ union dues directly from their paychecks. Diverting the money for union dues was an “impermissible exception” to the law, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says (see Eli’s HCW, Vol. XXVIII, No. 17).

The suit claims the rule will restrict access to home health services, reports Reuters.

“With this rule, the Trump administration is not only harming Medicaid-skilled home care workers who have joined unions, but the millions of seniors and people with disabilities who depend on these indispensable workers,” says California AG Xavier Becerra in a statement.

Becerra has filed 50 lawsuits against Trump White House policies, reports the Los Angeles Times. That passes the previous record of 48 suits filed by Texas AGs against Obama administration policies, although that was over eight years.

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