Industry Note:
Observe 5010 Deadline Next Month
Published on Thu May 31, 2012
If you've been taking advantage of CMS's 5010 enforcement "discretion period," your time's almost up. The 5010 claim format was required Jan. 1, but CMS delayed enforcement until June 30. Now that date is less than a month away.Remember: After the discretion period is over, "Medicare claims submitted in any format other than the ASC X12 v5010 and NCPDP D.0 will be rejected," Medicare Administrative Contractor Palmetto GBA stresses on its website. "Rejected claims will not be processed or paid."More info: CMS's regional offices will hold a webinar about 5010 on June 20 from 10 to 11 am EST. The webinar will cover topics ranging from conversion statistics to operational concerns to preparations for the final 5010 cutover. The ROs will issue registration information soon.