Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

NPR Criticizes Hospice

Mainstream media is taking another swipe at hospice. “Patients Want To Die At Home, But Home Hospice Care Can Be Tough On Families,” says a National Public Radio headline.

One person interviewed said “she felt more like a tired nurse than a devoted daughter” in her mother’s last weeks of life. The dying patients may be comfortable at home, but “it may not be comfortable for family members watching them taking their last breath,” Vanderbilt palliative care physician Parul Goyal told NPR.

The story profiles a patient whose year of care cost Medicare $60,000, with the husband saying he wished it covered having an aide in the home for long periods of time. It also calls hospice the most profitable of Medicare provider types. See the story at www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/01/21/789958067/patients-want-to-die-at-home-but-home-hospice-care-can-be-tough-on-families.

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