Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

New Enrollment Form Confuses Providers

When you need to fill out an 855A form for enrollment or revalidation, you'd be smart to stick with the old version for now. So says the National Association for Home Care & Hospice.

CMS has posted a revised 855A form on its website, but hasn't issued any instructions to go along with it. "The new form contains multiple changes, especially to the Sections 5 and 6, regarding organizations and individuals with ownership and control of the Medicare provider," NAHC says.

Among the trickiest of the new form's requirements will be calculating the percentage of managing control certain employees have, the trade group says. "Medicare providers will need to wait for CMS to explain how to calculate percentage of managerial interest in a Medicare provider," NAHC concludes.

The new form also includes an "inappropriate" question about employees' country of birth, the trade group insists.

Advice: "NAHC recommends that home health agencies and hospices continue to use the paper version of the form dated 02/2008."

The new form is at www.cms.gov/cmsforms/downloads/cms855a.pdf.

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