Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

Medicare Advantage Plans Scrimp On Care, GAO Says

Home care providers have long contended that Medicare Advantage plans aren’t approving enough home care for beneficiaries, and a new Government Accountability Office report may support that viewpoint.

The GAO examined 126 MA contracts with higher disenrollment rates — above the median rate of 10.6 percent in 2014 — and found 35 contracts with “health-biased disenrollment,” the government watchdog says in a new report. The study found that beneficiaries in poor health were on average 47 percent more likely to disenroll relative to beneficiaries in better health. “Such disparities in contract disenrollment by health status may indicate that the needs of beneficiaries, particularly those in poor health, may not be adequately met,” the GAO says in its report summary.

“Problems getting needed care” was chosen as the reason for disenrollment by beneficiaries surveyed almost twice as much for high-disenrollment plans versus low-disenrollment plans, says the report at www.gao.gov/products/GAO-17-393.

“CMS should review data on disenrollment by health status and the reasons beneficiaries disenroll as part of the agency’s routine monitoring efforts,” the GAO recommends in the report.

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