Home Health & Hospice Week

Industry Note:

MBI Usage Rises Again

Providers submitting Medicare claims are closing in on the three-fourths mark for using MBIs. For the week ending March 22, providers nationwide used patients’ Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers on 68 percent of claims, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says.

Tip: If you’re not yet using MBIs on claims, “check your remittance advice for the MBI when you submit claims with valid and active HICNs,” HHH Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS advises in a new post. The MBI is included on both electronic and paper RAs.

“Don’t wait till January 1, 2020, to start submitting your patient’s MBI on your claims,” CGS stresses. “If you have it, submit it! If you don’t have it, get it!”

More MBI info, including lookup instructions, are at https://cgsmedicare.com/hhh/pubs/news/2019/0319/cope11891.html.

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