The transition from Cahaba GBA to CIGNA Government Services is at hand, and you should have a long list of items you've crossed off your to-do list in preparation. For example: You must have submitted a J15 HHH Transition Profile form and a revised CMS-588 EFT Authorization Agreement (if you submit claims electronically), CIGNA says on its website. Without these forms submitted, you won't receive payments starting June 13. Links to the forms and submission instructions are at And you must install the CIGNA version of the PC-Ace Pro32, which is available for download on CIGNA's website. "This download includes a feature that will automatically update the current Cahaba version of the PC-Ace Pro 32 software to the CGS version," the HHH MAC explains. "It should not be necessary for you to re-enter any of your data after installing the new software." Tip: Be sure to transmit all [...]